Love Poem: Bloody Love
Bohari Mohammad Avatar
Written by: Bohari Mohammad

Bloody Love

Real love is nothing but a black shadow of sadness
I am fallen in this dark world my life is only mess
I tried to get out of this life but I can’t be like the first
My whole life is blemish, y thinking have gone worst..!!!

I whisper a lot of times ‘I love you’ and now what is remain to say
My love went apart from me making my life decay
I miss her a lot and I always cry for her
I was ready to die for my love about her always I care..!!!

Day and night I stare her photo; my eyes never take other sight
She was only in my life; because of her my life was bright
But now a days I am broken and scattered like a glass
My life is ending, in my life there is a blast..!!!

‘Bye’ to all my friend I am going from this world
Just see up, ‘I Love You’ will be written from my blood..!!!