Love Poem: Blank Tombstone
Audonus Taylor Avatar
Written by: Audonus Taylor

Blank Tombstone

(For Ryland Matthews' My Darkest Hour Contest)

Blank Tombstone
by Audonus Taylor

A blank tombstone
rests above deceased me,
As I dream of a future
far as any being can see,
No flower arrangements,
Not a rose seals my tomb,
No inscription of immortality
No "loving father" or "beloved groom",

Does such lack of bereavement
reflect me as mean and vicious?
No, tis the respect of the
deceased's eccentric wishes,
As family and friends shed
tears enough to swallow,
Bidding farewell to a heart
impenetrable and hallow,

For tomorrow never comes
to hearts heaven cannot reach,
For life has stripped away my faith
Never again will my soul be breached,
No paradise awaits my name,
For I am a non believer as I roar,
Away from me, did god decree,
my angel should forever soar,

Thus I chose to fade to nothingness
Or, be it so, the depths of hell,
Now, her wedded bliss to another
proves god's love as a fairy-tale,
She loves me not, he loves me less,
is the truth I shall forever concur,
Blankness reflects more than my name,
And a god would know what I am without