Love Poem: Beholding--Flames of the Heart
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Written by: Star Light

Beholding--Flames of the Heart

Precious Hearts--Together as one
Both belonging to-- Our Father's Son

Intertwining-- Precious moments
Within Hearts.. Tis Atonement

Never waiting... Nor hesitating
Always finding each-other Fascinating

Always wanting to be
Beside each other entirely

Precious Hearts
Dancing among the Stars

Twilight's gleams
Forever two hearts-beings

Dreams within hearts--unfolds
Manifestation True Love beholds

Precious Hearts of Love
Given from God above

Never Runs Cold

Never without a moment
Beholding each other tight

Grasping each second
Of God's Glorious gift

Moments in Life
Moves entirely swift

Expressing words ever so True
Moments stating..  "I Love You!"

Lingering moments in time
Memo day "Tis "I be Yours.. Will You be mine?"

Life time... ticks away
Precious moments to be

Will you Love me 
When I am old

Will you take care of me 
When I am cold

This is what I hope and pray
You will Love me everyday

As Jesus does Always
Beholding Flames of the Hearts

Behold Forever Love 
Here and Eternity
