Love Poem: Becoming Polypathic
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Becoming Polypathic

To become polypathic should feel regenerative, good, positive,
maybe even beautiful, graced,
like we are inviting only the positive karmic stuff of Earth
and humanity.

Pathology, on the other hand, is degenerative,
negative antipathy,
it is reductive.

While health, fed by consistently good sensory-neural nutrition,
is regenerative,
positive empathic trust;
it is inductive--
which is double-bind notnot deductive,

A polypathic double-negative
regeneratively inductively feels
like it could only equal a polynomial positive,
as notnot equals yes.

So regenerative life becomes equivalent to notnot fully degenerated death,

PolyPathology is the ecopolitics of how these two are
and are not
equivalent normative-descriptive
and ethical-prescriptive
positive WinWin values
and notnot double-binding LoseLose disvalues,
empathic trusts and anti-pathic distrusts,
with multiculturing-creolizing Tipping Points
of polypathic equilibrium in-between,
midway YangLeft and YinRight.

to science and religion and philosophy,
share one bilateral nature/spirit 
dynamically nutritional health/pathology, 
one bicameral Way,
BothAnd bilateral truths,
multiculturing-acclimating-creolizing lives,
dipolar co-arising Tao,
Sacred Evolutions of EarthAcclimation 
and YinFlow ReVolutions of ReAcclimation-Reversion.

You can imagine how the monocultural surface and interior of both sun and moon
appear and sound and feel,
hot and cold and airless.

can you imagine how the multicultural surface and color-drenched soils of Earth
would so miraculously appear 
and longingly sound 
and polypathically feel
green and blue and ultra-violet,
dark and light,
neither too hot or cold or airless to survive
and potentially thrive,
as regeneratively viewed from either sun or moon?

Can you reweave this muticulturing miracle 
of cooperatively owned and managed climate
for breathing in self-acclimating Yang
to breathe out re-acclimation of our WinWin-YinYin LightSquared-Fractal
re-investing Earth,
ego/eco-conscious CenterCommons,
full-color violet transcendent denseblack/whitelight octaves
of fertile ergodic nutritional rhythms,
patterns ecopolitical notnot pathological?

If so,
then you,
like any creature capable of seeing both sun and moon,
and imagining how Earth's regenerativity would feel fertile by comparison,
are well on our way of reweaving healthier cooperative climates
of polypathic WinWin consciousness.