Love Poem: Beautiful Mystery

Beautiful Mystery

I blink my consciousness into the light,
          Your chestnut eyes still dancing in my mind,
               Surprised that you have stolen one more night,
     To haunt my dreams, despite the years behind.

Your lilting voice and golden tresses, rare,
          Are near four decades gone from my extent,
               And yet you still pervade that dreamy lair,
     With tender reveries that won't relent.

Thru circumstance we slowly went our ways,
          So closure never showed its ashen face,
               Thus thru my night meanderings you gaze,
     To torture me with wisps of your embrace.

Still, in the light of day I've come to see ...
          The beauty of this timeless ... mystery.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Beautiful mystery" Poetry Contest, John Hamilton, Judge & Sponsor.