Love Poem: Beastly Beauty
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Written by: Cherie Thomas

Beastly Beauty

Mean from the start, depicted by fury.
  A beast lies in you, from the belly of your torment

Sour & snarling, with each word you spill.
 Lonely is your heart, unwilling to chill.

Severely damaged goods, not my fault.
  Feel the coldness in the air, gone as you depart.

Not a sight for sore eyes, whenever you pass by.
  Even your shadow, quivers with despise.

Somehow in this lunacy, a twinkle emerges 
  From your eyes.  A gesture pass that dark, shallow
Exterior.  A interior full of light.
 Gaze seemed so gloomy, now seen so bright.
A roaring echo rumbles, into a sweet lullaby,
By night.
 Beauty lost & found, in the strangest place.
Bewildered but transformed, love has found its place.