Love Poem: Be True To Me, My Love
Chris Boskovski Avatar
Written by: Chris Boskovski

Be True To Me, My Love

Be true to me, my love
all I ask is to be in love with you;
you ask me "why"
I say "yes"
Till we hold hands together
in the midst of the nightingale's songs,
I shall ask you just one thing,
to be true to me.

I see you have come this way,
and I ask thee, "Why"
and you say to me, "No"
Why, do you treat me as a fool?
Why am I treated as a love sick bum,
and the angels look down and frown,
why do they shed tears on me?
I ask you only one thing,
and to be honest to me,
to be true to me.

Love had come long before you,
near to my heart,
a skipped beat and a faint or two,
I showed love and spread love all around,
no one knew,
nor did anyone care,
except you.
Now all I ask to you is just to be true.

My Love, I see you,
as you tremble in the cold night,
with the blind man,
and the rat-skinned bum
who dances in jigs-
Why do you go back and forth;
just come home and be true to me,
and I shall love you more than ever.
Days on and days on shall I love thee,
but only I ask you one thing,
just to be true to me,
for I love thee.
