Love Poem: Banshee
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Written by: Liam Mcdaid


Strobe lightning flashes
when midnight strikes home
Blades of grass whistling
signals the brutal winter wind
that follows harshly
Shady shallow creatures
crawl out of their shells of unfinished business
Growls of hunger rising to wails of one banshee cry
She calls out death warnings
so loved ones --"Be aware!"
A lost soul roams the land of the living
In shadows
She sees through her red misted eyes
The worldly vices
devouring darkness
the heart burns wrenching
In your haunting shrieks
Distant drumming war
looming inside battlegrounds
Memories fall back in time dungeons
opening gates to past nightmares
Overflowing with treacheries and calculating minds
Justice only works on one side of the coin
Flipping the truth --"Freedom is gone!"
In a fleeting moment
a thought howls in revelation
Love could stall an action
deeply pains the heart that has gone cold
Governing rule sheds teary clouds
knots start twisting inside
Embroidering a story within a story
paints a transparent veil
Damaging a system where lies corrupt and poison brews
To occupy someone's space falsely
Death must surely follow
Buys them a future right without destinies spark
Spawn of emptiness drains good fuels fire
You’re every dark entity that hates
The Light of who you are shines faceless true and true
So envy crowns nothing in the end
Unrhymed Ballad style in 8-line stanzas
a co written piece with myself and Angeline Lim