Love Poem: Bad Sad Choices In Love

Bad Sad Choices In Love

Slim Fast
For the diet can not last
The weight that which we weigh 
Is produced by the calories our mouth intakes
And if it is more cakes and bakes
Than salad and fiber breakfast flakes
The noise the scale's are bound to make
Are of a badly misfiring car
Rather than that of a well tuned athletic star
So the next time you choose to indulge in a chocolate bar
Instead of a carrot or a healthy yogurt bar
You chose to take a drive in your car
Because you were to lazy to walk
Listen to the way your thighs talk 
And your bum sweats and boobs chafe 
And the way your favorite old clothes no longer fit
And if you wear them the seams will split
If only gym and eating right
Was as simple as lighting a candle
None of us would have love handles
And fat and thin would mean the same thing
So everyone would be into the same thing
Maybe then when size no longer matter's 
We could all choose partners based on who they are
Rather than do they fit into our preconceptions 
Of size and what defines beauty
Imagine choice unbiased by insecurity 
Choose life
Choose rather who is right for you
Not initially based on the beauty of there face
Or body size 
The prettiest women I have ever dated
Scored at most 4 out of 11
But the so called not conventional or large girls
Took me to places no pretty girl ever could
And when the panting and boring sex had stopped 
All I was left with was an empty vessel 
Who couldn't hold a conversation 
Unless it revolved around them 
And paying them compliments
I would be forgiven for thinking they were shallow
But if it wasn't for the fact I choose them 
Above all the other more suitable women
I cast aside
Because I put my own stupid personal pride
Above choosing someone worthy to Love
Just because the size does not fit
Doesn't mean you can not grow into it
Both people and clothes come in many guises 
And no 1 surmises or gives out prizes
More than us and what is the fuzz all about
We all live in glass houses
We all pass comment and lament 
Over choices other make
Its what makes the righteous shallow
And blow's Cupid's arrow
Many a time choose a different course
And so many couples in perpetual lovers remorse 
Because it takes far more metal 
To choose a mate 
Than to please the inadequacies of our so called best mates