Love Poem: Baby


Looked the kid in the window and tears were seen
Dad crouching in the darkness is gone...
He was bow-backed're not from the cold,
He's just so far back in the family wanted...

The kid with his father half the night playing with toys,
But remember the baby that night... my dad soon to leave...
Yeah... not merged their mother's soul,
But I do with it? Leave me my parents!

Eyes, eyes full of sorrow...
And pains which he predicted a close...
The father and mother... the child's happiness exchanged
... On that myself I don't...

We're all running and ask God for a miracle,
I hope that he will give us his...
But NEVER such as would not,
Kol threw his child!
10.02.14 AKC
© Copyright: Konstantin Achapowski, 2014
The certificate of publication No. 114021100389