Love Poem: Awakened


Awakened from a still slumber on a moonless night, I felt an angel's wing brush across my cheek. The imminence of purity beaming into the shadows. Not thrust upon me, but gently stirring me. The slight touch, a quiet reminder of all I know and all I will never understand. God brought a gift of hope on extended wing. While wafting memories heightened my senses, ripe beauty from a timeless world, eternal, unchanging moved me. As I remembered the wounds, death trailed on the backs of our father's sins, the swords glistening from battles fought long ago. Love changes history, tarnishing man's conquests. Love comes in a moment where a dream merges with truth. A song of worship rising, the lyrics came from my heart. My lips did not speak, they only lifted at the corners in praise. As the stars shined brighter in the absence of moonlight, I listened for countless cries from a distant memory, before traveling kings bowed down to lift up the One greater, before the death of One meant life for all, before the fulfillment of the greatest promise. The only cries heard were mine, tears of joy shimmering in starlight. By Rhonda Johnson-Saunders for An Inspirational Poem contest (Gail Doyle)