Love Poem: Awaken My Soul Part 2

Awaken My Soul Part 2

Awaken my soul part 2 
By lady Arabella 

You touched me and kissed me with gentle lips 
Touched my soul with your finger tips 
You created a feeling that I thought I would never feel again 
You made me believe and trust again in men
But then you took it all away 
You were the one  reason I would have chose to   stay 
But you said words and made choices  and pretended like I wasn’t there 
I wish you honestly  knew before now how much I did care
 When I made the choice to go I thought I was ready to say goodbye 
 But every time I think of those words and you  I now  just want to cry 
Because if I knew you loved me when you did 
Then maybe my own feelings wouldn’t have had to stay hid 
If I knew  then what I know now 
Maybe things could  have been different somehow 
Part of me is hurting because I was never given that chance 
I’d give  so many opportunities for you to change your stance 
But you never did and yet I’d still stay 
Hoping things would change one day 
But too much time  of no changes made me question why I wasn’t enough 
Watching you do the things you did and still stay was tough 
Each girl or each time you’d deny what I saw  and each time you would turn me down 
 You Made me feel more and more unworthy of my own crown 
But I just wasn’t ready to just  let go 
And all this I  now need you to know 
As words left unspoken 
Lead to hearts being broken 
Maybe if I would have walked away sooner saying goodbye wouldn’t cause so much pain 
This situation has become such a Shame 
Regrets and chances not taken means we will never know  what could have been 
Why is “love” so mean  
Awaken my soul part one now turned to  pending 
 When it was Written for you  at a time where there was no ending 
In the famous words of pink who knew 
I guess the course of love never running smooth is true 
 My biggest regret is it took me leaving for you to say 
But if it wasn’t for all the above by your side I’d alway would have   chose to  stay