Love Poem: Awaiting Love
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

Awaiting Love

As I sit by my window
for my special man
whom would Love me
without end...

awaiting for him
to bring back the sunshine in
to love and behold me
be sincere.. not pretend...

awaiting for.. my special man..
whom tis always 
within my heart of dreams
colors of love streams

as music plays tis tunes
and his words.. linger 
deeply within 
my heart of dreams
Awaiting.. for my Dream.. 
as once my special friend 
had told me... twas of time pass
that Dreams do come true...

Believe in them.. 
as for I do... 
yes.. I do.. too... 
Twas that moment I met you...

Tis Awaiting.. 
Love you..
Love me.. .