Love Poem: Aurea Brown
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Written by: Billy Thekidster

Aurea Brown

There is no more Truer, Devoted a Friend or Companion that can ever be found
than My Beautiful, Warm Hearted, Loving Aurea Brown.
I wish that I could love you the way you love me,
and in the same loving way that you want me to,
but trust me sweet Aurea, seriously,
I truly know what's best for you.
Pursuing a life as a couple would most certainly be
a fruitless endeavor definitely.
I Love You Too Much. Please trust me. 
Such a pursuit would only leave you as miserable as me.
I could never do that to you. 
It would be a very selfish thing for me to do.
You're someone who has lovingly and freely given to me
many a glimpse of some sunshine in an otherwise dark life ever so dreary.
I Will Always Truly Love You Aurea Most Sincerely.
It's only because of you that I experience a sense of joy and laughter.
I Love My Sweet Aurea. I couldn't find my sox without her.