Love Poem: Aura of the Lone
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Written by: Charles Jefferson

Aura of the Lone

An angel in pure sight, provokes the cruelest of things. 
In the depths of the night, Im toyed with by dreams. 
Baring the subliminal fight, but for what means? 
Perhaps to keep in sight, a desirable future for me. 
Only she is worth the pain, that dorments within my soul, 
but shes yet to bare name, her identities unknown. 
But who am I worthy of? A question unanswered by time. 
Who will adress me "My Love" and silence my cries. 
Who will sacrafice her night, so I may hold her near? 
Who will allow me to set light, upon her greatest of fears? 
Only the future may tell, So I will pateintly wait. 
After many attempts failed, a sane mind is at stake