Love Poem: Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey
Jeff Martin Avatar
Written by: Jeff Martin

Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey

I have a dream. No, not that kind of dream, a different kind – a girl kind.  And no, not that kind either.  A love kind. Who is my dreamboat? That would be Aubrey Plaza. Aubrey, Aubrey, Aubrey. Excuse me while I swoon, *swoon*.  It will be the greatest love story ever told, eclipsing even Darla and Alfalfa, and the first chapter begins on an elevator. Aubrey and I reach for the button panel at the same time and our fingers touch.   The electricity makes her jump in surprise.  I look into her eyes.  "Going down?" I ask her.  “You couldn't afford me,” she replies.  Then I call her a name that starts with a “W” that refers to a soiled dove. She calls me a name that refers to an appendage.  Then we burst out in laughter, fall in love, move into a Tribeca brownstone, have sarcastic babies, and live happily ever after.