Love Poem: At The End Of Winter
Sara Kendrick Avatar
Written by: Sara Kendrick

At The End Of Winter

At the end of winter's cold
     And the beginning of spring
           While the Camellias still bloom
                  Come to me

Let's share some time
      Enjoy life together
         While the Camellias still bloom   
              In lovely warmer weather

In the garden where memories
       Whisper, a Camellia bud awakens
           That tender blossom with velvet petals
                 Dances with grace and sun embraces

Love, like Camellia's blossoms
     Grows slowly, nurtured by moments
          Like these fleeting times spent together
                But yet love is eternal

As velvety petals unfurl, vibrant
     Love's ardor consumes, but is resilient
          Winter's winds carry sweet fragrance
                And of love's true commitment

In this ever-changing world
      Let love find its place
            May its gentle whispers and grace
                    Bear witness to love's evolution  __in time