Love Poem: At the End of the Road

At the End of the Road

At the End of the Road
Stop begging me to stay! Don’t act like you don’t know, our journey ends right here - my answer is still “NO!”
Once you were my pleasure, but now you’re my poison. Your type of love is toxic; so that’s my real reason.
I’m tired of these rocky roads, and done with the games you play. I’m dizzy from your ups and downs; it’s time we call it a day!
Let’s make this nice and easy- I don’t want you to cry. Let’s have no handshake, no hug, nor a last kiss good-bye.
Stop begging me to stay! Surely by now you should know, we reached the end of our road… as love left us long ago!
01-06-2017 Contest: Poet's Choice - The End of the Road - Just Friends Sponsor: Silent One Placment: 6th