Love Poem: Asphyxiation
Susie Caudle Avatar
Written by: Susie Caudle


As the golden rays of sunlight creep into my bedroom window,
I hold my tears back, yearning for just a few more hours to hold you.
	Time has grown to be my nemesis, my curse,
For I realize that when the sun ascends into the heavens, I descend into the pits of hell. 
	As I give in to your embrace and caress your tender caramel skin,
I dream of time coming to a standstill, where eternity is our safe haven.
	For now though I must press my lips against yours and say my farewells,
Slowly walking away, gazing back as you depart, I begin to call out to you. 
	Don’t abandon me, let us travel the world, and discover things
 We never dreamed of, and grow old together.
	However you can’t hear me say these absurd things, and I begin to asphyxiate,
I lust for the sensation of your touch, and I yearn for the echo of your voice.
	Patience, I tell myself, in due time we will be as we should,
And when that time comes we shall watch the sun rise every morning and I will breathe