Love Poem: Ask the Magic Eight Ball
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Written by: Lyon Brave

Ask the Magic Eight Ball


Tell me the truth
Ask again. They say
Time travels full speed ahead.
I’m in love with the girl across the street.

Perhaps, try again. One more time 
for the sake of magic give me a miracle
a fast speed boat zipping across the water.
Sailors can be sexy. I have to get a cute girl
what she wants. That’s how I win. In the end

I fish alone, whistling on a dock. L is for Loser.
O is for Obvious failure. V is for Victory. I get
back up after face planting on my bike. No
I don’t stand a chance. There will be another girl 
to kiss and call doll-face. Ask again later. It’s later.

I’m impatient and lonely. If I drink one more
beer my belly will bulge. Give me a time capsule
with my name on it. Call me, somebody. Please
save me. I’m not asking for much. Eight ball says
ask again later. Tell me the truth, am I too fat.
Vision blurred, spinning, everything’s faster
changing, roller-coaster to hell. I want my soul back.

Throw me a life vest, a ray of hope, discard previous 
outlook. Tell me some good news. Will she miss me
if I float my sorrows in the lake were we first kissed.
Answer: Yes, unload the barrel. E is for Every
reason we exist, carry on. You are happy deep down.