Love Poem: As the Earth Revolves Around

As the Earth Revolves Around

Outside stars sparkle while daffodils await the morning sun.
Crickets sing their cheery song hoping for a night of fun.

Roosters and hens sleep hidden, snuggled in branches of trees.
Owls are awake, looking around, feathers ruffled in the breeze.

Inside, folks are fast asleep without a sound or a peep.
The sun is on the other side, warming the shepherds’ sheep.

Around the world people love and hate, it happens here and there.
Let us turn our hearts to peace; show tolerance everywhere.

Let us set aside our greed and use only what we need.
Let replenishment be man’s rule of thumb…please, God speed-

Value thrives in the soul of a man, not in what he “owns”.
Wisdom holds the key to love and to the Creator’s throne.

The heavens shine a warming glow; it does not hesitate.
Likewise let us show forth love and bring earth’s peaceful state.

Before the daffodils look up, let us end hate’s bitter cup.
Love one another around the world…God’s creatures…waking up.

When the night sky sparkles each star as earth revolves around.
May wisdom fill the heart of men and peace on earth abound. 

© March 26, 2011
Dane Smith-Johnsen