Love Poem: As I Fall Asleep.
Michael Romero Avatar
Written by: Michael Romero

As I Fall Asleep.

Thoughts run through my mind as I toss and turn in my bed trying to find sleep, 
   going over the moment I awoke and first opened my eyes , as I bent my back for a full
days work, to here as I fall asleep,
An I love you to my wife and sweet hugs to my kids a moment to myself as I push for sleep,
  My thoughts of the day, missing loved ones, finding my modification, my reason, thinking
of the season as I fall asleep, 
  I laughed, was moved to tears, even deep in thought like in a dream when you sleep,
Thoughts of what I had, what I now have, thoughts of my life, my beautiful wife, the birth
of my kids and how fast they grow, how after a busy day how quite it is as I fall asleep,
  Did a hard days work as every man should for the right to sleep,
to father to love to raise above find the right way listen to what there body has to say,
you have ask your self did I do all I could today as you fall asleep,
  Life has it's way of rocking you to sleep,
but you need to stay on task, remember why, and take nothing for granted, you get what you
THINK you deserve and thats what helps us all fall asleep,
  As I open my eyes one last time before I go to sleep,
I look at my mothers picture, thank her and the lord for allowing me to do what I do and
know what I know then I smile as I fall asleep.