Love Poem: Are You Looking For a Divorce Try Jesus
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Are You Looking For a Divorce Try Jesus

Are You Looking for A Divorce?  Try Jesus!

I knew of a wife who felt like she was alone.
There were many nights she cried at her home.

She was in, what I’d call a difficult situation.
There really wasn’t a good explanation.

Her husband just kind of “gave up” on trying.
He didn’t find what he felt was “satisfying.”

She was concerned for her children too…
And wondered; “what am I supposed to do?”

It wasn’t too long she fell into the arms of another.
And neglected her duty as a Godly mother.

This family began to unravel and fall apart.
It has lead to many wounded hearts…

This happens with many Christian families...
As more become “frustrated” and unhappy!

Whatever problem we have...  God can deliver us!
He can heal our families, because he loves us!

If divorce is the kind of action that you’ve found!
Won’t you trust Jesus, to change it all around?

Won’t you commit your ways and thoughts to him?
Won’t you fall in love with Jesus, and trust him?

There’s power in the blood!  I know and believe it!
Won’t you take the time…  And receive it?

Jesus is here!  He can change the bitter ugliness!
By his glory, beauty and his righteousness!

Please dear Lord, bring healing to your children!
May your healing touch continue to build them!

None of us need to feel worn out and alone!
When Jesus can fill our hearts and home!

By Jim Pemberton  11/19/13