Love Poem: Are You Hiding a Secret Sin
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Are You Hiding a Secret Sin

Have you been trying to hide a “secret” sin?
In this effort, is it causing trouble within?

Perhaps you’re not that ashamed of it.
But you have only yourself to blame for it!

You’ve read about others on t.v. and get confused.
“It’ll never happen to me.”  
“I’m not going to lose!”

But, as you get more tangled  and “inner-twined.”
You have more of a lost and confused mind.

This sin that you think can’t “pull you down.”
You’ve tried.  But victory over this, can’t be found!

Christ tells you that there’s one 
choice to be made!
It’s either freedom from this, 
or being it’s slave!

No matter how much you may try to “sweep it.”
You’re only going to be miserable, if you keep it!

Give it to Jesus!  Surrender everything to him!
He has the power to destroy the grip of sin!

Only he has the awesome power and ability.
To bring to your life freedom and stability!

Don’t allow this “secret sin”  to destroy your soul!
Be free in Christ!  He can 100% make you whole!

Now is the time to come to him in confession!
So his love, not your sin, 
will be your obsession!

By Jim Pemberton