Love Poem: Are We Discriminating Against God
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Are We Discriminating Against God

We often hear this topic across our nation. Another person crying; “discrimination.” In our many attempts to not discriminate. It seems like it’s God that we seek to eliminate. It seems like we’ve come up with our own “rules.” And somehow have turned into a bunch of “fools.” We accept many perversions of various kinds… But God himself? We seem to close our minds! In many of our lives, we’ve “kicked “ him out. And refuse what he really is about! The words, “In God we trust...” Our money bears it! Anything of God? We’re afraid to share it! It seems like the courts almost say he doesn’t exist! And have brought much confusion into our midst! As many say it’s “offensive” to display a cross… Many godly values have already been lost! It’s time to wake up America! And begin to see! The kind of country we’re beginning to be! A country that’s foundation is getting off course. Being driven by a wicked and ungodly force! Out only hope is in God! And him alone! We must invite him back into our homes! To God and his word we must hold secure and fast! He is our only hope, that our country will last! By Jim Pemberton