Love Poem: Apple of My Eye

Apple of My Eye

Cozy night bubbles a crimson delight
    Moon and stars tango on angelic heights
       Beside, pillowed the apple of my eye
   His breathing languidly rhythmic with mine

      His thudding heartbeat a stellar of light
  Arch strong features - repleting me with might
     The silence - a roaring serenity
         Next to him my euphoric ecstasy

     I adoringly stare on his presence
  Memorizing fully his very essence
      Touch of cotton - soft, I run my fingers
         To each square inch, I caress to linger
       Wrapped tight in his musky heavenly  scent

              Praying forever not only for rent
        But soon... I must leave you not to sin more
     Saving you from patches of harlequin
         I thank heavens for this amazing date
              Hating me is better than sinful fate

(c) Olive Eloisa
6:31 pm
May, 25, 2014

Inspired by the poem Silent Nights of Arthur Vaso with a twist

first place... to GOd be the glory.. !