Love Poem: Anticipation
Shahana Jackson Avatar
Written by: Shahana Jackson


I hit my head on the concrete 
I didn't mean to.
I was just trying 
to be discrete 
nobody should have known
where I was going or coming from
yet as I tried to camouflage myself
everything started to go wrong.
My shoe lace became untied and when
I looked up into the sky the sun blinded
my eyes. I tripped and on the way down 
I yelped. So much for not making a sound. 
A cat meowed for milk next to my head
as I lay on top of a heap of snow I began 
to grow agitated. I slowly
tried to pull myself together 
until I heard the voice I had been
hiding from. The voice of my boyfriend 
wondering why I hadn't been home. 
Suddenly I wanted to be back on the 
concrete. I didn't mean for anyone 
to get hurt.That day I lost another one.