Love Poem: Answer In the Sand

Answer In the Sand

I found her jacket folded 'midst the drift,
          Atop her shoes but 'neath a ribbon, red,
               Tied to a strainer that she'd used to sift
     The sand, for treasures left by tidal shed ...

The streamer I had given her that morn,
          Around a bunch of flowers and the ring
               Upon which all our promises were borne -
     Our romance and our future, taken wing ...

Her note had led me here so I could find
          Her single set of footprints on the shore,
               That to our special spot, did slowly wind,
     Then disappeared into the tidal bore ...

That answer, I can now ne'er understand -
          The words 'I'm sorry' ... written in the sand.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Footprints Old Or New For A Prize" Poetry Contest, Carolyn Devonshire, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "English Sonnets" Poetry Contest, Emile Pinet, Judge & Sponsor.

( Syllables = ten per line, counted at )