Love Poem: Another High School
Shahana Jackson Avatar
Written by: Shahana Jackson

Another High School

I am in love with another highschool besides my own
    and I know that sounds kinda of strange 
     but visit with me for a second and I will explain
      As soon as I walked through the doors of this highschool
      I was welcomed with opened arms
               I wasn't judged
            I met some of the best people I think i'll meet
                inside this building I learned about true friendship 
                    I learned about true love
                    I got lost in it's glitz 
                   and the story behind the glam
                   The people in this school 
                      Form a unique kind of pack
                      full of talent and so laid back
                      A little gated community 
                       that I had to take a train and a bus to reach
                       but the time that I spent in this school 
                         truly touched me 
                         changed the person I grew to be
                          I fell in love with the people
                         who showed me a different way
                         they made me see a different me
                          that I couldn't glimpse in the mirror
                            A me no one else pointed out  
                             or even gave any effort to figure out
                                 in my school I was just normal
                                In this school  I met him
                                in this school I fell for him
                                 In this school I felt special 
                                 At this period in my life
                                I was in love with another highschool
                                 and it may sound weird to the untrained ears
                                  but for the people who've been there 
                                     this school was heaven 
                                        I wish I could have attended