Love Poem: Animals Are the True Role Models
Michael Benkhen Avatar
Written by: Michael Benkhen

Animals Are the True Role Models

Animals love,
How beautiful it is, that love
unconditional and pure
like the wind, it blows regardless of who you are.

Animals love
they do not judge,
regardless of who you are,
like the sun kissing your skin,
they'll love you
fore all are worthy of the sun's kisses.

To find a love as pure as that is rare
in anything but an animal,
but I lead by example.

You may say what you will,
you may judge me,
you may insult me
and call me unworthy.
But I shall love you.

You may judge my wallet,
and judge me for a lack
but I shall love you.

you may look at my face,
and judge me ugly 
but I shall love you.

you may judge my character
or dislike my words
but I shall love you.

You may hate anything about me
and I shall love you just as strong

because this world is a beautiful place.
In its most pristine state, it is a place of love.
And life itself is a gift of love,
so everyone is entitled.

Animals love with innocence,
without boundaries or conditions,
animals fill this world with awe.

It's something to aspire for.
To love that purely, and without expectations.

In a world that's so focused on judging others,
on making them feel like they're less worthy of living
because of a technicality,  and yet coming home to an animal
who'll never judge them and love them forever,
 it's surprising how no one had figured out who the true role models should be.

It takes courage to be a good person in an evil world.
To follow your heart even when the world tells you that you need to conform to it's corrupt morals.
If more people dedicated themselves to loving like animals,
this world would be such a wonderful place to live,
...And true friendship wouldn't be as hard to find.

But in the meantime, if I'm screaming into the void,
 my words going unheard and unseen,
 if no one will love unconditionally
then I will love alone.