Love Poem: Animals Are My Prime Favorites, How About You?
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Written by: Daryl Kelley

Animals Are My Prime Favorites, How About You?

I like cute dogs, poofy dogs, goofy dogs,

Wiggly Giggly Barking dogs, quiet dogs too,

Smart dogs, silly dogs, crazy dogs, lazy dogs,

Large agressive guarding dogs,

Those are just a few,

I enjoy helpful dogs, playful dogs, bashful dogs,

Hyperactive athlete dogs,

How about you?

How about birds, do you like birds?

Fat birds, slender birds,

Small flutery skittish birds,

Exotic birds too?

Long legged birds, short legged birds,

pink birds, white birds,

250 pound birds (just the ostrich, mind you...)

Feathery birds, Arctic Birds, 

Tropic Birds, Desert Birds, 

Rodent-eating raptor birds,

wait, I'm not through,

I know, you like bugs!

Dull bugs, colorful bugs,

Icky Creepy crawly bugs,

Biting bugs too,

Flying bugs, walking bugs,

Running bugs, jumping bugs,

Maggot-Bearing Bullimic Bugs,

Those are just a few,

Stinky bugs, Slimy bugs,

Aphid eating ladybugs,

Luminescent Phosphorescent Glowing bugs too!

I love them all 

Big and small,

Animals are off the wall,

But don't trip

Just be hip,

Dont be givin' me no lip,

Animals are here for a purpose,

They have prodigiously covered the earths surface,

They are what we see what we learn, what we love, what we hate,

Some can be oh so meddlesome, but they have been helpful as of late,

Helping us to plow our fields, sniff out crooks, give us food,

Fulfill other necessities, so please let us not be rude,

Lets give these critters their credit due,

To animals everywhere, we love you!!

(You may say "no", but trust me, you do..)