Love Poem: Angel's Touch

Angel's Touch

ANGEL'S TOUCH Did you ever stop to think, What this angel's touch really mean? Smiling at you at a flower's blush Giving you the time to think and hush When you wanted a melody to hear She sang you a song in joyous tears When you badly needed determination; She is ready to give you inspiration When only a joke could make you smile; She flashed it to you in shortest mile When you wanted a game to play; She partnered with you in gay When only an hour you swore to spend; She wants to be with you until the end When strings of thorns are poured upon you; With arms wide open, she welcomed you She comforted and gave you might All these all she did with heartfelt delight Now, I ask you... Have you ever felt the touch of an angel? ____________________________________________ Sponsor: Richard Lamoureux Contest Name: Beginnings Matter Placed 2nd ©O. E. Guillermo 2:39 am, June 30, 2013 ***my first ever poem @ fifth grade elementary.. :D? I was nervous when I posted but am excited and thrilled to see, how many reads it will get and the comments.. :)