Love Poem: And You Call It Love
M Asim Nehal Avatar
Written by: M Asim Nehal

And You Call It Love

Warm cocktail of happiness and pain
Sometimes the eyes cannot hold this disdain 
unsaid constricts and the volcano erupts
ending a painful conflict within
to shed the tears to ease on the burden.

There are days when you long for human touch, 
that one hug from someone you love or 
maybe from someone who loves you. 
This is reassurance that you exist.

Reassurance of something deeper 
than just frivolous playful words, 
Love, not pity, not sympathy, nothing, 
but the silent warmth of trust, care and togetherness.

It is strange feeling to love from a distance, 
Strange and heart wrenching at times and 
yet there it a sweet pleasure in it, 
Pleasure of knowing, believing that someone thinks of you
worth it and a smile travels through the tears.

An instant flush warms you up and
then reality shows you the mirror, 
The illusion fades away, 
ultimately you see surrounded by "fear".

Fear of things that have not yet happened and 
maybe they even won't, but you fear and 
in that fear anxious heart cries for comfort 
Comfort of that illusion, that mirage you call it love.