Love Poem: And Time Slipped By

And Time Slipped By

And time slipped by
Not giving a warning.
When I look back at those photos,
At those memories and moments;
And they slipped by
Not giving a warning.
I could have clicked those photos or
I could have been in those
Memories and moments.

I can’t remember if we held hands or talked for hours,
If we spent hours staring at the roof rumbling about 
Boys and life and crushes and love failures.
I can’t remember you ringing me or
I you for no reason at all but
Just to whine about our mundane jobs and daily chores.
And time slipped by
Not giving a warning.
Oh, li’l sister, I know you not.

Do you want to go back and do things differently?
Do you think, we would have had the same hearts?
Beating at the same pace and rhythm,
Dancing to the symphonies of melancholy,
Gifting flying kisses to each other every time we hang up calls.
Will I call you when I am in trouble or
Would you call me when you feel blue?
Oh, li’l sister, I know you not.
And time slipped by
Not giving a warning.