Love Poem: And Then There Were None: Echo Poem 11-Th
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Written by: Brian Johnston

And Then There Were None: Echo Poem 11-Th

You And I

I am the rose, you are the thorn, 
I am the calm, you are the storm, 
I am the light, you are the dark, 
You are the kindling, I am the spark

I am the grass, you are the weed, 
I am the feast, you are the greed, 
I am the sail, you're but a breeze, 
You start the fight, while I appease

I am the song, you are the silence, 
I am pacifism, you are contrivance, 
I am steadfast, you are the pawn, 
You are insufferable...... and I am gone! 

Lora Colon
January 29, 2014

What Does It Matter

What does it matter if sunshine fails, 
And my sky's not always blue; 
What does it matter.... I'm not upset
If I know I belong to you

What does it matter if every path
I take is not strewn with flowers; 
What does it matter, as long as you
Are near to calm my anxious hours

What does it matter if birds don't sing
To awaken me each day; 
What does it matter..... I think of you
And all my problems fade away

What does it matter if now and then
A tear has to dampen my eye; 
What does it matter..... if you love me
I'll bear whatever makes me cry

What does it matter if crashing waves
Destroy dreams, leaving but a few; 
What does it matter..... tell me again
That I'll always belong to you! 

Lora Colon
January 30, 2014

 What A Pair!

First ‘You and I' then ‘Not That It Matters'
Your versifying leaves even unsung
Souls shell-shocked in naught but rags and tatters
Thieves are brought down alive from their crosses
To join the ranks of the newly un-hung.
A sigh resonates shaking the whole world
As it witnesses God handling losses.

You're longing to know you'll always belong
To me, Yes! (and the one thousand others
Who would die to be the man in your song) .
Not one of us ever has seen your face
Though in loving you we become brothers, 
Are conquered, before lions we are hurled, 
Before slaughter, dream one will win the race.

Look out boys! There is
Lightning in them there hills!

Brian Johnston
January 30,2014

Poet's Notes:
Lora Colon's poem from her site on reprinted here with her permission. This Echo Poem is one of many that she and I have co-authored. We invite you to check them all out now that they are finally published together as I had originally envisioned.