Love Poem: And Then I Smiled
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Written by: Glen Schwartz

And Then I Smiled

When I was a small child, I was plagued with bad dreams...
I said Mom, I'm afraid . She said, you can rest, 
there is nothing in this house but Love..
                           And Then.... She Smiled..

When I was in Sunday School the preacher spoke of Sin , Hell and Damnation..
I was old enough to know, I was a sinner. I said Mom, I don't want to go to Hell..
She said, you have nothing to fear . You Love God and God Loves you..
                       And Then....  She Kissed me..

It was my wedding day, butterflies filled my stomach, I damn near fainted when my beautiful wife to be walked down the aisle . At the reception I said Mom, I am nervous . She said, if you Love her with all your heart, you will be forever happy..
                        And Then....  We danced..

Mom was in the hospital with heart trouble . I rushed there wanting to help but knowing I wouldn't be able to. I said, Mom are you OK how do you feel.. She said, I am going to die. Don't you cry for me, I lived a life of Love . I had a great life and Love is all that matters in this world.. 
                      And Then....  She Hugged me..

At her funeral , I felt so weak I could hardly stand. My whole body seemed to be trembling . My wife of 30 years took notice. She grabbed both my hands pulling me to her embrace and said, You've been my rock for so long, let me be your rock today. Everything my Mom had taught me ran through my head. How Love makes life Beautiful . I pulled away from my wife to see her tear filled eyes..
                        And Then.... I Smiled..