Love Poem: And the Kitten Said

And the Kitten Said

not my fault I was born with claws and long fur
and I need to use my claws
groom my pretty fur
left alone
all day
I wander
the big house rooms
I look out windows at birds

my family is moving from the big house
they put me in a dark box
gathered up my toys
my dishes
I meow
and away I go
to stay in another place

for three long days I will be staying with girl
and her cat called Pearl Smudges
who hates me so much
she growls
at me
this the plan
removing my claws
giving me the lion cut
so the girl said are you sure you want this cat
they thought about that a bit
and said no we don't
so guess what
I stay
with the girl
and Pearl Smudges
it seems I now have a home

I get to keep my long claws and pretty fur
this is my forever home
I play all the day
with my toys
and sleep
and purr loud
I love Pearl Smudges
my new name is Eve Snuggles

May 14, 2015

Poetry/Personification/ and the kitten said
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