Love Poem: And the Door Opened
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Written by: Lee Ramage

And the Door Opened

The phone rang early in the morning waking me from a sound sleep, The hospital called to say that Gramma had gone into a coma deep, I’ll get dressed and come to the hospital right away to sit by her side The nurse said don’t bother, she won’t know you, and alone she died. ...and the door opened, from deep within, something stirred inside. Excruciating pain happened, it seemed to come out of nowhere, What is this, I am only fifteen, it gave me the biggest scare, You have stones the surgeon said, it is a gallbladder attack, Had major surgery at a young age and I never looked back. ...and the door opened, from deep within, my life began to get on track. After two heart attacks that left you with only 20 percent cardiac function, In a wheelchair from rheumatoid arthritis, your life was now at a junction, Caring for you at home was no longer an option, we could not manage, Dying in the nursing home, a private room was their offered advantage. ...and the door opened, from deep within, I had to right this disadvantage. Your mind slipping, caring for yourself was something you no longer knew, With complete guilt, the admission to a nursing home was all I could do, Eyes vacant starring off in space, you didn’t know me or any other guest, Maybe it was self-preservation that protected you from this place, it was best. ...and the door opened, from deep within, I tried to continue on my quest. After this, I took early retirement but feeling I still have more to give, Quietly I listen to your last story as you work hard to continue to live. Sitting with you while your wife goes out, I tenderly hold your hand, For no one should every feel alone or abandoned, in this our caring land. ....and the door opened, from deep within, being a nurse is all I understand. Written September 30, 2011
For Paula Swanson's contest Opened doors Won 5th place