Love Poem: And So It Begins

And So It Begins

And so it begins, my fusion into love's shadows,
Shadows having been placed there by that one power
Ruling over Earthly existence, as if, it knew
That without it, life would simply be as good and as
Undemanding as in paradise!

And so it begins, the merging of our hearts,
With desires potent enough as to have fumes
Emanate from the nothingness that we create
When, after merging, we get sucked up by the universe
Another mysterious power, wanting solely
To have us both back there, where we dwelled
Once, before disaster struck!

And so it begins, magnetic poles get reversed,
Seas wreck the lands,
Humans hardly behave as that which they are
Flowers, suffocated, die painfully while shedding tears
And the moon gets absorbed into the sun's deadly fire!

And so it begins, my fusion into love's essence,
Dissolving the shadows into clarity
So that, at last, love breathes into my teary face,
Thankful at having passed the test imposed upon us both,
By that one power, ruling over Earthly existence!