Love Poem: An Undercover Christian
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

An Undercover Christian

During your life’s journeys,
 is there an ambition…
In becoming, (what others would call),
 an “undercover Christian?

Do you hide the “badge of the cross” 
under your sleeve?
When others approach you…  
Do you wish they’d leave?

You may not want anyone to know
 What you really believe.
What kind of answer… From you…
would others receive?

Would it be an answer of a Godly
 and faithful love?
In serving a God who reigns
 in the heavens above?

Could you give a reason for the faith
 in a savior’s saving power.
Can you be an example for Christ… 
This very hour???

Would there be any doubt of the God
 whom you serve?
Before someone can 
“throw you another curve?”

I pray, that as Christians,
 we can be very certain.
Of our faith in Christ…
before life’s final curtain

I pray that in us, others can see
Christ’ love in action
Following in his steps needs to be
 our daily reaction…

There’s no “undercover Christians”
serving the God that I know.
He’s looking for someone who’ll serve him
 in body, mind and soul…

Are you someone that God
 can truly depend?
Are you someone whom 
God can call;  “FRIEND?”

By Jim Pemberton 