Love Poem: An Offspring of Love

An Offspring of Love

You are,                                                   And I am,
                   The Body of Christ,                                       Of an earthly man,
            Purchased by His sacred blood!                       A sinner, living in iniquity!

       Pure and precious in nature                                  A presumptuous transgressor,
  True riches and infinite wisdom                                                    Of divine teachings,
Can only be found in You!                                            Of the Father--the Greatest King!

You are the light of life                                                               And I walk in darkness
To those who believe in righteousness                         For I'm led to falsity and deception
As they reside in Your blessed peace!                       By the sweet-talking parsons of lies!

You preached the gospel,                                                          I ignored your presence
To the GEM many came to listen,                               For my fixation was on seen things
But few are chosen!                                                         From which I gained nothing! 

 You saw the emptiness in my heart                        I was touched by Your noble deeds
   And that You gave me invitation                              That I accepted Your call, gladly! 
     To be apart of You!                                         And later, I found the truth in You!

            You are in me and I'm in You! And thru the Holy Baptism, I am redeemed!
            And I became a true Christian. In one spirit, we share our firm conviction
                To those who seek the long and treacherous road towards salvation!

                     Sharing our gifts from Heaven could change one's life, forever!
                        For great fortune is ours, as we make life better for others
                            And for them to be called into the Supreme Church!

                                    For truly, I will abide in the Holy Scriptures,
                                       To constantly praise and worship God,
                                           For I am, sure and without doubt,
                                                An offspring of His unselfish
                                                       And everlasting