Love Poem: An Ode To the Intact Male

An Ode To the Intact Male

In honor of mothers who keep their sons pure,
And of uncut men, I thee reassure
You are perfect and wholesome just as you are.
Born in God’s image, you’re already a star.
Your foreskin’s a blessing, so think and be wise,
And give thanks to all parents who don’t circumcise.
God made you complete in the womb, yes God did.
God loves you like that and therefore doth bid
That you stay as you are, in your natural state,
So that when, at last, you meet your soul mate,
You’ll unite, both of you, a half and a half,
To make passionate love, a love that will last,
Without a thing lacking, you will be truly whole,
With eternal fulfillment in your heart and soul.
Your God-given potential for heavenly pleasure
To share with your true love is something to treasure.
So take not for granted that flap of loose skin,
So seemingly useless, toilsome, and thin,
Your manhood deserves the wrapping its in,
For to butcher a creation of God is a sin,
And a gift to all humans who preside on this earth,
It is time now to cherish what you’ve had since your birth.