Love Poem: Amour Fati
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Written by: Kelly Hitchcock

Amour Fati

A modern day Socrates
Intellectual extraordinaire
Books piled high in his corner
“Have a read” “pull up a chair”

His wisdom flows so freely
“Do unto others and you would have them do unto you”
“There only one person you can change”
“Acknowledging our own ignorance, leads us to the truth”

“Become aware of each and every moment”
Amour fati is his creed
Wanting for nothing
Spread the word by planting seeds

His life message is really so simple
“We already possess all we’ll ever need”
“It’s not about what we gain in life”
“It’s about accepting life…and that’s what sets us free”

Amour fati - "Love of one's fate"