Love Poem: America Without God
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

America Without God

America Without God? 

America is being destroyed from
perversion within.
As it’s people indulge
in wickeness and sin. 

The moral fabric that our country
once held so dear.
Is now beginning to dissappear. 

Many judges seek to remove 
God from our land.
Traditional marriage... they don't understand. 

From the neighbor’s house 
to the college dorms,
Perversion is legal in so many forms. 

Our money reads: “in God we trust.” 
Many are addicted to
perversion and lust. 

Nothing of God seems to
be sacred anymore.
While his judgement draws
close to our nation’s door. 

This so called “freedom” that
many have “enjoyed,”
Is causing our great country
to be destroyed. 

America must heed the Savior’s call,
Only God can give true freedom to all. 

HIS word is our country’s
true foundation.
Without him in our lives... 
we’re doomed as a nation! 

By Jim Pemberton