Love Poem: Amazing
Analytical Poet Avatar
Written by: Analytical Poet


Purely Amazing

I promise when it comes down to describing you…
I can’t come up with any other word
From the things you say.. to the things you do
You are a person…
Whose blessings to be received are truly deserved

You bring sunshine to the darkest days
You put smiles on faces where frowns are usually there to stay

You are humble … you are wise
You are goofy… you are smart…
You are purely amazing
In such a way that you will always stand apart

You used to see pain..
And now you see smiles
You used to walk when you worked out
And now you run miles

You have the authority to accomplish the impossible
Making a way through any obstacles
You have a spark inside of you that you may not see
And it is something that some envy…

You will touch many
And you will grow
And even though this is something you may not see
In due time you will know

You are amazing
That is something you need to see

And once you realize it on your own 
Please remember ..

You have the authority
To be the best you can be

You are

Purely Amazing