Love Poem: Am I Truly Concerned With Reaching the Lost
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Am I Truly Concerned With Reaching the Lost

The lost souls of this world—
am I concerned?
While so many without Christ
 in the wrong direction have turned???

With each day that
 passes me by...
To many of my neighbors,
 I’ve only said: “Hi!”

I’m too busy to give anyone
 part of my time...
I go to church on Sundays...
 I’ve “committed no crime.”

I’ve never led a person in
 the sinner’s prayer...
“Why should I waste my time?”
 “Why should I care?”

I know that Jesus commands 
me to reach the lost...
But I’ve never sacrificed
 what this would cost.

I know that when Jesus
 comes back again...
He’ll expect me to reach
 the lost souls of men.

If one day I plan to make
 heaven my goal!
There must be a desire in my heart
in reaching the lost soul!

By Jim Pemberton