Love Poem: Always Present, Never Gone
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

Always Present, Never Gone

Tender memories can't fade as quickly as seasons,
they r'll stop beating on a destined night,
and the one who gave me life and might:
is always present, never gone as the lost years!

Today it won't rain while her maternal eyes will reflect
the lovely blue-bells of the nearest and greenest meadow,
and I expect another miracle as she promises a tomorrow
without cloudy days that she herself saw from the world below;
try to smile, would be exciting but bitter-sweet to wait!

Prayer, more than flowers, is the humble gifts of your son who eagerly goes back
to the prime of his youth when his thoughts were as clear as a brook:  
growing up with fervent faith and strictly living by the Holy Book;
didn't he later fell short and sinned, but returned with a repentant look:
that's when forgiveness transformed him as he was awaken by the luminous day-break?   

Others don't see me as someone distant and alone,
I remind them of you: strong, warm and gentle...
can dangers befall as darkness makes me tremble?
None of them have power over me to make me shamble...
whenever I think of you who are always present, never gone!