Love Poem: Almost
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Written by: Dwayne Moore


If I had the ability to comprehend,
All languages around the earth and;
Have not charity for my neighbors,
What good would I be worth?
If my faith could move the highest of mountains,
Also all my mysteries I understood;
If I show no love to those who “despitefully” use me,
I would not be any good.
If I used all my possessions,
To help the unfortunate (not expecting gain);
Gave my body without sincerity,
Then my work would be in vain.
Authentic love is to sacrifice,
Is not jealous and does not boast;
Since it truly comes from the heart,
It will extend from coast to coast.
Does not enjoy unlawful doings,
Loves to hear spiritual facts;
Not always aiming to please ones self,
Endures all short coming acts.
For the mysteries and philosophies,
That we presently comprehend;
Along with all the knowledge and understanding,
It will come to an end.
For the knowledge we know is part,
Moreover, the mysteries we understand are some;
Yet when the “TRUMP OF GOD” has sounded,
Only then shall we know that the “PERFECT” has come.
When I was young I was immature,
I thought I knew all things;
Still when Jesus became Lord of my life,
I put away those immature things.
Think on these things and endure without yielding,
These words of inspiration and clarity;
However, with the gifts, Charity, Hope and Faith,
Remember, the greatest is Charity.