Love Poem: All Alone In Journey of Life
Sadashivan Nair Avatar
Written by: Sadashivan Nair

All Alone In Journey of Life

All alone in journey of life,
Endured painful murky days;
No more, 
Yep, no more;
I can't stand the lonely life;
Wandered in rain and dry,
Wandered in scorching
Sun and murky night,
In lakes and mounts;
A company I sought,
Who fills colours in life; 
The spring tide I felt,
The day you entered in my heart;
The odour of pollen 
Drags me in, 
Coerces to cohere, 
Seek inebriating nectar; 
Thy company is bliss,
Brings smile,
Fills paints of vibrant shades,
Sing melodious floret songs;
Feel the sense of frolic ambiance,
It's not love, 
Nor I think is romance;
With you my side, I accede,
Am complete content man;

© Sadashivan Nair