Love Poem: Alcoholic Logic

Alcoholic Logic

On the Pity pot with my Friend  ; I sit in a stupor : I’m drinking again
It’s been twenty years since I gave up the drugs I can’t get a handle on the
                                Jack Daniel’s Glugs : Glug Glug
He goes down smooth and warms my insides : but brings out the evil that
 Otherwise Hides  in a Jet  Black Heart : in a cold dark Heart evil resides
                                Johnny Walker : Gulp : Gulp
Black or Red : I drank so much I thought I was Dead : and maybe I am 
But I don’t give a Dam ; a bottle ; shot after shot  : I continue to slam
                                 Absolute Vodka : Swig : Swig
Goes down rather rough yet a couple of  quick shots and I think I’m tough
I Love the stuff : one  drink is to many ; Case upon case is never Enough

If I could feel the thrill, as I stagger up hill : to the base of Alcohol Alp
If I should reach the  very Top : I’m sure my drinking would Stop 
              THANK - YOU POETRY SOUP for YOUR  H E L P